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      “Barefoot Alice” is a heart-warming tale of one woman’s journey of loves lost and found, of discovering ancestral ties and the magical interconnection with life.

      Dumped by her husband and homeless, middle-aged Alice finds herself at the Rail Stop Café in a northern gold mining ghost town during a snowstorm.

     Surrounded by wilderness and a strange community at Golden Lake, Alice finds shelter in a 200-year-old schoolhouse with its ethereal teacher and students. Facing the inevitability of a life alone, she unravels legacy secrets with the help of a kindly old man, the community around and a mysterious wilderness man. She encounters descendants of Dr. Barnardo’s British Home Children, gold rush fever, an unconsecrated baby burial, ghost hunting tourists and infringing upscale cottage estates.

     Befriended by the old schoolhouse ghosts and community, Alice is challenged to survive and overcome a lonely life.

       Alice’s heartwarming journey celebrates the life-affirming qualities of resilience, the importance of community; of this world and spirit world, and the power of love to change lives.

Maddy's Wings

     Maddy’s Wings is a heartwarming life tale of 92-year-old Maddy, a WW2 Air Auxiliary pilot. Diagnosed with Alzheimer's she is challenged to face painful memories of crashing a loaded B26 bomber that killed two female flight crew members.
     Heartbreak and humour abounds, as she recalls growing up in the tiny northern Ontario community of Cedar Grove during the depression and adventurous crop-dusting Jack trains Maddy to fly. After the crash and war, home settling with navy man Gordon, they are challenged to overcome war traumas while facing the death of their daughter and unborn granddaughter.
     Stoically facing the end of her life, aging Maddy befriends a stuttering old woman as her estranged son-in-law returns from an assignment in Afghanistan. New neighbours; a woman and her teenaged granddaughter offer womanly bonding, pet pig companionship and medicinal giggle brownies. As Maddy begins to live old age to its fullest, a ruthless elder care worker taunts her. As though surviving a plane crash, the atrocities of war are not enough and death of loved ones, once every eighty-eight years, all hell shakes loose. Truth and insights collide, as mysteries surface: Who killed the wolf in sheep’s clothing Pastor Jacob? What really caused the fateful plane crash and why was Gertie out of her seat? Why had she survived while so many had not? What really happened to little sister Rosie during and after the war?
     Maddy’s soul longs only to freely soar and live her last days having a blast, yet as her memory slips, she is confronted with one last nemesis; survivor guilt.
     Maddy may re-define what it means to be a hero.

      Reader's Favorite 5 star Award & BookWorks Book of the Week Award

      "Woman have you had enough?  An inspiring tale of hardship, wisdom and discovery, Soul Skin is a celebration of those of us who do not fit into ‘normal’. Deeply moving, Soul Skin is an odyssey of many lifetimes, that summons our own personal journeys.
     Life overflows with problems as Navi is caught in between two worlds, of loss, destiny and self-discovery. Striving to cope with; a child’s cancer, marital heartbreak, a stifling rural church community, a scandalous love affair, job loss, menopause and a haunting dark shadow nemesis, Navi is left heartbroken and shamed. Lost and alone with her daughter, she is comforted by her dead Grandmother and a mysterious soul skin man. Slammed into impossible challenges, insights come through ancient sisterhood teachings and sacred dream journeying to historic events in; a Nazi death camp, a pre-civil war deep south, indigenous North America, as Joan of Arc, an audience with Lord Byron, as a wolf mate and more. Throughout, Navi candidly explores life with wit, yet it is the love bond of her daughter, Gran and soul skin man that carries her through.
     Following the power of fate and finding the freeing truth of who you truly are, can be a magical journey of remembering your; innate heart wisdom, connection with the spirit world of possibilities and bring forth your life mission.

     ~ New York Book Pundit: "Perhaps Jan Porter’s ‘Soul Skin’ can best be described as bliss in literary form—it is a mind-bending, sweeping story of impossible journeys made so believable by Jan’s incredible literary talent. And did I mention it is also deeply entertaining?"

Peaceful Warrior Woman literary fiction
​     Young Annish dreams of an exciting Hunter-Warrior’s life rather than the traditional domestic role set out for her. A moving solo hunter’s adventure odyssey unfolds bringing Spirit World visions, Ancestor guidance, powerful mysterious forces and life-defining soul challenges. As the hunting expedition ends a bigger mission ensues, fulfilling an ancient prophecy. In the process, she must face hard truths of a changing world, understand her true gifts, life path and contribution to the community and the world. In the moments of stillness where times stands still with heart love and hard lessons learned, Annish becomes a Peaceful Warrior Woman affecting many generations to come. One woman is a tiny divine spark in a timeless collective; all of us are Peaceful Warrior Women.

     ~ "Loved this! Perfect reading by the fireplace!​" OceanLife - Amazon Reviewer


     Bookworks Book of the Week Award​   

     Your Angels and Spirit Guides are waiting to meet, talk and work with you! 
Communicate and allow your Angels and Spirit Guides to flow comfort, love, insights and inspiration. A wonderful life path and to fulfill your soul’s purpose, is your birthright. Oodles of loving comfort, insights, support and inspiration. Easy and grow at your own pace exercises, an Angel Guides invocation prayer and a meet, talk and work with your Angel Guides mediation journey and more.
     The best of your ancestors and the magic of the cosmos is in your DNA!

~ "A Soul-Soothing Book! This book is the "medicine" that everyone needs right now-not Tylenol, not Xanax, not Advil. We live in a world full of individuals that have become so disconnected from their souls, higher selves, and angel guides. We live in a world that is completely mind and material identified, full of big egos and small hearts. This book is the remedy to all that.." Vania M. Amazon Reviewer

 "Ode to our Ancient Sisterhood"

The inspiring women behind the creation of Soul Skin. All original acoustic music courtesy of Buster Fykes.

Angel Guides, love communication Workboo

    Get your Angel groove on!
~ Your Angels and Spirit Guides are waiting to meet, talk and work with you! 
~ Oodles of loving comfort, insights, support and inspiration.
~ Powerful and easy communication.
Your Angel Guides are waiting to formally meet you! Communicate and allow your Angel Guides to flow comfort, love, insights and inspiration. A wonderful life path and to fulfill your soul’s purpose, is your birthright. The best of your ancestors and the magic of the cosmos is in your DNA!" 
     "Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains and shortcuts and even what appears on the surface to be failure." Troy Stewart - Amazon Reviewer

Soul Calling your angel guided life purp

     Your Soul and Angel Guides are calling you to live your inspired life purpose! 
     Communicate and commune with your own Soul’s wisdom, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Access the wisdom of your Ancestors, harness the magic of the cosmos and hone your intuition with oodles of practical tools, tips and an Angel Guided Soul soothingly insightful Soul Calling meditation journey. 
     The best of your Ancestors and the magic of the cosmos is in your DNA!
     Your soul path is a divine and unique fingerprint that adds to the beautiful cosmic tapestry.
     It is an amazing journey of self-discovery and living of life to its highest potential.

~ “If this book has made its way to you…” I took that as a sign. And it was right on the mark. " By C&S - Amazon Reviewer

Spiritual Biz passion purpose and fulfil



      Your soul is calling you to your passion, life purpose and fulfillment in a rapidly changing global community. 
     What was once old-time community-mindedness and sharing cooperation is the emerging future of sustainable business and the right livelihood. Harness the best of your Ancestors, ancient prophecies, the magic of the cosmos and practical wisdom bridging traditional and alternative resource tools. Hone your intuition and navigate your soul path with confidence. 
     Doing what you came here to do is a journey of discovery and fulfillment. Your unique soul path adds an amazing spark to the global tapestry, a positive drop that ripples forward for generations to come."
     Our Mission: "To give & share so much that we wet our pants laughing with joy." Dan Davidson
     About the Co-Author: Daniel Davison is a Global Investment Banker, Philanthropist and Visionary; Double Helix Management, Moral Explosion; globally integrated micro-community concept. Double Helix Management Services Ltd.

Sacred Space mind body soul after sexual


      Your body, mind and soul are Sacred Space. Shifting wounds into wisdom and loving life, is the art of inspired transformation. The journey out of the pain of sexual abuse to wholeness is in boldly allowing insights and inspiration to bring forth authentic empowerment, fulfillment and inner peace. Sacred Space offers insights and resources from those who have been there and bounced back better than before. The power of your ancestors and the magic of the cosmos is in your DNA!"
     *Dedicated to all of those who seek healing, wholeness and inner peace from sexual abuse and for those who support and care for them. The author's sensitivity for healing of sexual abuse journey, includes soul freeing insights, perspective, tips and resources for overcoming sexual abuse, case samples. Gain comfort and peace of mind. The journey out of the pain of sexual abuse to wholeness is in boldly allowing insights and inspiration to bring forth authentic empowerment, fulfillment and inner peace. 

     "Deeply Uplifting - Jan Porter’s ‘Sacred Space’ is set to change the lives of countless people who have suffered from sexual abuse—people who otherwise would be left misunderstood and the object of prejudice—as well as enlighten the rest of us enough to embrace acceptance and proactive healing." Meaghan - New York Book Pundit

Life After Abuse a practical healing gui



       Your body, mind and feelings are your own sacred space. The pathway out of the pain and shame of sexual abuse to wholeness is in a soul healing journey. Life After Abuse offers oodles of insights, practical resources and examples from those who have been there and bounced back better than before. Shift wounds into wisdom with insight, wisdom and inspiration. Gain comfort, peace of mind and empowerment. This is the art of wholeness and inspired transformation.
     *This book is for all who seek healing, wholeness and inner peace from sexual abuse and for those who support and care for them. 

      ~ "A Shining Light on a Hidden Epidemic!"  Jenice Alexander - Amazon Reviewer

Award-winning books Review Banner Jan Po
Soul Skin, woman have you had enough fic

Soul Skin


~ "A beautiful story...", 5 stars ~ 06.2017 By J. Woods
     "What an incredible read. Soul Skin was a novel that will absolutely stick with me and I love novels that have the ability to do that. Navi’s dreams were so relatable that I felt emotionally attached to the story as I continued to read. It is certainly a heavy storyline which made the novel that much better. Porter did such a fantastic job with character development that as a reader, I couldn’t help but be continuously pulled in.
     Soul Skin is a timeless novel, one that I think any woman could relate to on some level. A spiritual, emotional and all around lovely story that I have a feeling I will be picking up again."

~ Reviewed by Tracy A. Fischer for Readers' Favorite ~ 5 stars
       "Wow! That is what I thought after I finished reading Soul Skin:
​    A Spirited Shaman's Journey, the luminescent novel by author Jan Porter. Following our protagonist, Navi, as she navigates a midlife crisis, this book has something for every person to connect to. Navi feels stuck in a damaged marriage, financially and physically drained, and so lonely for contact with loved ones that are gone from this world that she can feel it. When she starts to practice what she calls “dream journeys,” through a balance of meditation and dreaming she is able to travel to historic places and events, speak to people of historic importance, and gain healing and clarity in her own life.
    Soul Skin: A Spirited Shaman's Journey is simply a wondrous book. I’m not sure how else I can describe it accurately. This book is not one that can be read lightly; it’s certainly not a beach read. It is a book that spurs thought and feeling, and it is one that I am so glad I read. Author Jan Porter is practically poetic in the way she describes Navi’s thoughts, ruminations and dreams, and reading her words brought tears to my eyes several times. Soul Skin is a book that would appeal to any reader who loves literary fiction, stories with strong female protagonists, those looking for a book that will make them think, or just a unique and very worthwhile read. I highly recommend this book, and certainly hope that Jan Porter is working diligently on her next effort in this vein."

~ "A circular journey between two worlds" By; ctr girl  ~ 5 stars
      "This modern novel stands alone in its portrayal of a deeply passionate and spiritual woman names Navi, who "lived in two worlds simultaneously, feeling lost in between and solely belonging to neither." Throughout its pages we see her struggle, pushing and pulling through the life events of her family and her upside down marriage. At times Navi's words and feelings are harsh, blatant, and straight out rash; and yet when her spirit fights for guidance, she overcomes her primeval weaknesses gaining peace and strength by calling on spiritual treasures such as her ancestors and through dream journeys. It is through her spiritual eyes that she truly sees and finds oneness.
    Jan Porter's prose and poetic nature is amazing! If you want to read a novel solely for the beauty of words and a unique writing style, you've come to the right place. But beautiful words are only half of the story. Through Navi's circular journey, you will lose yourself in feeling--hurting when Navi hurts, loving when Navi loves, and losing yourself in the connection with all things spiritual as Navi guides you to peace.
    I highly recommend reading "Peaceful Warrior Woman" and "Angel Guides" also written by Jan Porter in addition to this novel, which is what I did, because these books will deepen the meaning of this work of art."

~ "WOW", 5 stars By Tiffany Prock

      "Wow, this book is amazing. I don’t say that a lot because let’s face it, I’m kind of picky of my books. This book pulls you in though. I think most women out there will connect with Navi. She is unhappy in her marriage, unhappy in life wants something more then she has. She is in tumult and missing the loved ones in her past or perhaps just missing the past in general. I think we all feel that way at times. We start to think about how much easier times where when we were younger, we think about the happiness we had with those that have passed on and we start wanting something more than the mundane life we have now.
     Navi escapes her life at night when she dream walks or has “dream journeys”. This is where I really fell in love with the book because I love history and the author blended my love of history and the metaphysical into one book. I also thought it was interesting in the view that each life you experience something you didn’t in the past life. I have a friend who says you always come back as what you had no sympathy for in the past life. For example, if you had no compassion for the poor then this life you will be poor to understand what those people you looked down on experienced. In a way that is something this book shows. It makes you stop and think about how your actions can carry on into your next life.
     This is a book that makes you think and feel. I thought Navi really came alive for me as did all her dream journeys. So if you’re looking for a book that has a lot of depth to it and isn’t just one of those fluffy summer reads then this is the book for you. Better yet give a copy to a friend because it’s a book you will want to discuss with someone when you’re done."

~ "A Great Novel Following A Great Journey",  5 stars By; Paris Carter

       "Halfway through this mesmerizing novel, I knew that I was in love. It didn't take me halfway to fall in love,but simply halfway to realize what an amazing book I had in hand. Soul Skin by Jan Porter tells the story of Navi, who's unhappy in her current marriage and trying to find meaning and purpose in her life. I know this sounds like a very cliche, hackneyed plot. The helpless women stuck in a bad relationship. But Jan Porter does a great differ her novel from others of the same sorts.
     Jan's writing style is pure gold and it flows together like a placid stream. She does a great job of making sure all of her novels is correctly edited for punctuation, grammar, and sentence length. The novel also has some wonderful lines that simply blow me away and still echo throughout my mind!
     The writing style Jan writes in only benefits the greatness of the character Navi, as she interacts with recognizable historical figures in what she calls Dream Journeys. Navi is a truly neat character who is easy to connect with as there's someplace in your life where you have longed for the past and old loved ones.
     I would recommend this novel to anyone who is into poetic novels that display brilliant wordsmith and expertise in writing. As you will see that Jan Porter posses all of these things."

 "A Perfect Read!" ~ 5 stars By; Sophie
     "I have to say I really enjoyed Soul Skin its full of wonderful scenes taking you from one place to the next all beautifully described, the author defiantly has a way with words as she somehow keeps you hooked until the end. In Navi, the author has created a character many will feel akin with as she tries to reconnect with loved ones, going fabulous dream journeys to many famous events in time Overall it’s the authors writing that captures you it's like easy to listen to music it could go on forever a perfect read."

~ "Complex and deeply moving",  5 stars by; Victoria Lucas

     "If I could describe Soul Skin by Jan Porter in just two words, it would be an emotional roller coaster. The emotional complexity of Navi, to the things she goes through from beginning to the end, the incorporation of historical figures and everything in between makes this novel more complex and deeply moving.
     I read somewhere that the best books will break your heart, as they should because that means that you were able to connect to every element in the book on a personal level. This is true with Soul Skin. From battling the demise of her marriage to trying to cope with a loved one's fight with cancer, it seems like Navi’s life is already overflowing with problems that will last her a lifetime. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there for her.
     While a good book will tap your emotional sensitivities, a great book must be able to connect with you on a spiritual level, and I think that Porter achieved exactly that in Soul Skin. From the get-go, Soul Skin will have your attention and will keep it through more than 500 pages of adventure, self-discovery, and spiritual awareness. In her other nonfiction books, Porter has demonstrated a gift related to her readers. This gift is evident as well in this work of fiction.
     I highly recommend Soul Skin by Jan Porter to those who want to read about a complex novel that will make you think and feel all kinds of emotions; those who are looking to channel their spirituality through a great story; and those who are looking for the perfect gift to give to friends and love ones."

~ 5 stars by Curepe137 (New York, NY) - "I am about halfway reading this book, and this is really a good story."
     "The story centers around a woman named Navi, whose life is underscored by a multitude of issues that leaves her feeling unhappy and empty inside. However, Navi is able to escape reality and find solace through what are called ‘dream journeys’ – disparate but verisimilitude dream worlds where she lives through different historical highpoints.
‘Soul Skin’ is an ineffable read that is impossible to put down once you begin. The author is very talented at what I call the presentation of humanism, or has that gift of using compelling language, descriptions, and dialogue to make the reader feel and think as if they are in the story as the main character.
     Overall, the book is very captivating. I highly recommend!"

~ Stephanie: "What a great book!!

     "I don't read much but Soul Skin is making me wonder why. I found the book to be very well written - reading is now a priority for me as it took me to another place....I would and already have suggested it to others. Thank you!!"


~ 5 stars ~
      "I really have no words after reading this several times. Beautifully written and the imagery is more than familiar in glimpses not of conscious awake/aware thought... The very beginning to the excerpt seems to have elements of an OBE, yet I have not heard or read of one to date that connects to a past life. Thank you for sharing this with me."

~ "Loved This! Felt so connected to the character!!" 5 stars By; Khaleda
     "Soul skin is such a beautiful read! I honestly don't have that much time to read fiction books because I am so busy, but every now and then you just need that good book to inspire you! I was looking for such a book and found it in Soul Skin. The journey that she goes through is so incredible. What i really loved about this book, is the discussion about the dark night of the soul. For those readers who know what the dark night is or have read about it, it is usually a work of non-fiction. It was so beautiful and interesting the way that Jan has integrated this in the character. Everything that she goes through is so deep and personal, it makes you feel very connected to her, even if you haven't personally experienced all that she goes through. I loved every bit of this book, I wish it hadn't finished so quickly. I read it over two nights and truly wish it was longer. I definitely hope Jan continues to write more in this genre. Very much looking forward to her next project and hope it comes out soon! I am waiting!!!"

~ 5 stars ~ By; Momto4BookLover
     "What an amazing and inspiring read Soul Skin is! It is so well written and I am almost certain that everyone will be able to relate to the main character Navi, even if they themselves haven't been in her exact situation. Navi is in the middle of a mid-life crisis. Trapped in her mundane day to day life, she escapes at night. How? By going on amazing *Dream Journeys". The places and events she travels to are enough of a reason to buy the book.

     Overall this is a very well written novel. The plot is well thought out and the pace will keep you turning pages late into the night. Highly recommend!"

~ 5 stars ~ By; Johanna Ryan-Guy author

     "Amazing, spiritual story. It will leave you wondering where has this author been all my life. I hope to see more of her stuff."

~ A soulful, magical, enchanting journey...."  5 stars By; Jenice Alexander
     "This work of spirit world fiction introduces us to a lady named Navi who many of us can relate to. Navi is in mid-life with enough woes and worries for 10. I enjoyed the wonderful descriptions and soulful details along the journey. Soul Skin took me to a place I've never been to before. A must-read!"

~ "Interesting!" 5 stars ~ By; Egidio Concas
     "An exciting book that is inspiring too! The storyline is great, I loved its organization and composition. I melted into the story while reading. It left me speechless after completing the book. Soul skin is a great book which I will recommend to read. It's inspiring and thought-provoking. The story is so engaging and it's an interesting non-fiction release by the author. Keep going!"

~ "An Unforgettable Emotional Whirlwind!" ~ 5 stars By; Naghie

       "After reading the description, I had to read this book. The author does a spectacular job capturing the essence of Navi mid-life crisis. Personally, I believe this book to be very true to life, correctly depicting the reactions of life. The subject matter is dealt with in a very true and honest manner, something that is important for this grade level. This book looks at a very real problem and deals with it in a very real way. Soul Skin is the most true to life book I have found on this subject matter at any readability or grade level and I highly recommend it to anyone who can deal with dream journeys."


Soul Skin:

~ "Grand Mother"
Teach me that same laughter ruffled round your eyes
Adhering to waypoints
Lifting to speak with egrets and crows
Falling to step over unrestrained roots
Or to find the perfect one
You’ll later grind for cures.
Teach me that same gentleness stitched into your limbs
Drenched in noble codes
Drying to soothe base quarrels
Shrinking to fit undeveloped skill
Or thread the needle kindly
Your cataracts ignored.
Teach me that same patience seeping from your organs
Basted in all seasons
Puffed with slimy fosterlings
Ripened by totemic strainings
Risen from crocodile nests and elk scat
You misidentified.
Teach me that same grace vibrant in your blood
Churning hours to butter
Whitened by toothless clutchings
Sifted through thorn-snagged skirts
Woven with milk prayers and charcoal smoke
You offer reverently.
Teach me that same wisdom chiseled in your bones
Bleached on sunny hillsides
Terraced in nutmeg and mango
Pulsed into pies for sisters
Singing oracles to honeyed outcomes
You shape with practice.
Grand Mother
Teach me that same fervor and turkey feather fan
Tended in silent comet strokes
Rippled lakeside shadows
Coddled by generations
Or lead me to my untrammeled trailhead
And kiss me onward.
© By; V. Wolfe 06.2013

~ 5 stars ~ Buster Fykes-Editor/Musician

      "Soul Skin is a journey, several journeys, through the eyes, minds, soul, and spirits of very real people bound together by the tiny silver threads that connect all living things. It is Sometimes, surreal, sometimes, brown dirt real, yet always, enchantingly engulfing the mind. It takes you to places that you have always been and to where you have never traveled. It is alive, in the moment and in days gone by. It is a journey, with a life of its own, very easy to slip into; fitting just like skin, and then beyond skin, to the very essence of all that is. It is a roller coaster ride of sights, sounds, and images; all coming up from the pages, like a 3D movie on the inside of your eyelids. You read, stop, digest, and are hungry for more. It is one of those books that you wish would never end. I look forward to the next leg of the journey."


~ 5 stars ~  S. Ackerman

 "Hey Literary Genius! I finished your manuscript this morning and you're done a completely professional, awesome, amazing job... I love the ending ... Congratulations!!!! You deserve all the success it's going to bring!"

~ Susie B., Sedonna, Arizona
      "Dearest Jan of the great white north... WOW!  What awesome descriptions you made in these stories.  You took me right there...  Powerful.  It's interesting that Joan of Arc/you got killed in Auschwitz, after killing in the other lifetime, even though the sword was made of "light".  It makes me wonder how many other people in Auschwitz had killed in other lifetimes and were now there to experience the other side...  And in both descriptions, lots of others dead or injured all around her/you.  WOW...  It's no wonder you had to throw up the next day after the healing -- lots of shifting and releasing of these patterns, rewiring all of your bodies deeply at a cellular level.  And it's no wonder you came to help people in this lifetime, so as to really end the fighting, and to let go of any entities, etc from then and from others.  So you can really embrace all that is, and all that is happening, no matter who did what.  To end any attachment to ego, judgment, fighting, arguing, etc.  The Power of Now and The New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle would be powerful tools for you (as also for me...).  As we change, we can really help others to also, to end the use of the 3rd dimensional mind and to live in the heart and spirit.  And our changing will affect the mass consciousness grid of thought forms -- so others can change also.  I'm so pleased to be able to know you..., and I'm very grateful you shared these book parts with me.  Wow......  Thanks....."


~ "I love this!!!" Joanie D. RE: Soul Skin trailer video: 'Ode to Ancient Sisterhood'  

~ Charlotte Fielden, author and spiritual healer

      "By all that is sacred to me, Jan Porter entered my life like an angel from some luminous realm and used her inspired savvy to promote my work. Her inspired visual creativity is focussed and stunning, like her new website. And with all the love I hold in my heart for her I wish her a journey as minister of the spiritual and creative arts like none other. She is unique."

~ "Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!" 5 stars By; Ohio Butterflyon

     "I loved this book. It took me while to read it, because of it's depth, but I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed all the spirit messages from her grandmother. There were so many things I could relate to personally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

~ "Very interesting storyline; well organised and composed" ~ 5 stars By; Meena
     "This is the second book I've read by the same author. I bought it mainly because I enjoyed the previous one ("Angel Guide"). And what a real page-turner! The story is so real that I think many women will identify being in a similar situation. It is a fiction about Navi, a middle-aged woman who faces financial, physical and psychological challenges. She escapes into "dream journeys" where she finds solace. I thought the story was highly entertaining, very well structured with great storyline. It is also excellently organised and composed. This one is an easy rating; it gets 5 stars straight and I can't wait to read Jan's next book."

~ "Walking in another person’s dreams" ~ Reviewed by; Dor Cas 06.2017
     "Soul Skin is a book for those people who don’t fit in; people who feel less normal and different from other people. It is a unique book because it talks about unique journeys taken by the main character, Navi. She is not only going through midlife crisis but she is also unhappy with how her daily life is. Her marriage is not doing well and she is faced by many other challenges. These journeys are unique because they happen in her dreams and the author has very vividly allowed us to be part of the journeys. The ‘Dream Journeys’ are the gist of the book. I could relate so well with Navi and I would recommend any deep and spiritual woman to buy this book. Her experiences are extremely deep and personal and I felt like I had known her all my life.     

     This is a book for people with a unique sense of curiosity because after reading it, I felt like I knew exactly where my soul is because it had been accessed by Navi’s dream travels."





Peaceful Warrior Woman literary fiction

​​Peaceful Warrior Woman

~ "Loved this! Perfect reading by the fireplace! I loved this book! I haven't read fiction books in so long. Most of my library contains personal development, marketing and spiritual books. However, I loved this book and the timing couldn't be better! I was looking for something that would take me into a fantasy world and love that this book explores that. Today, most women are confined to a certain career or a lifestyle, but I love how Jan explored another realm of life entirely. Reading this book made me think more about my life and what is important for me and how I want to live each day. I would already consider myself to be a spiritual person, but reading peaceful warrior makes me think about how connected we really are not only with each other but also the spirit world and how much we have available to us at all times especially love. It also made me think about my meditations and how I want to resume that! Great book, great writing and can't wait for more of the same! Thanks Jan!" OceanLife.

A book of Ancestors, Spirit World, and Nature By ctr girl on July 9, 2015
"This read is very peaceful, connecting one to body, mind, and spirit. It is here that we follow Annish as she comes of age and discovers her gifts that will contribute to her community. I found the detailed descriptions of nature and wildlife calming; they brought me into another world where "it is not the end goal of achievement that matters as much as the growth and understanding along life's journey." And through her journey, I felt Annish's pain as well as her growth as she met the buffalo, married and welcomed in a new family, and became one with her community even though she looked different.
   This book of oneness is a wonderful piece that added variety to my reading list. I recommend this to anyone desiring to feel something."

~ "I read your story and it is wonderful. It is full of magic. All the human reactions that as so well written. I loved it. It is a sorry that would interest any age group. It was all surreal and wonderful. Thank you for giving me the privilege to read it. It would make every female feel that story was written about her. Truly loved it!!!!!" Toni XXX

"oh my GAWD This book touched my spirit, I am speechless! I'll be sharing this with everyone I know!!!" mu crowley

"I loved your little book!  So COOL!!!!  And I thank you for the feather...  It was a good teacher for people who don't know about shamanic knowings -- the communications with all life, and the meanings and messages." much love Susie B. Sedonna, Arizona

 "Love It! I have spent countless years, days, hours reading and educating myself on our country's heritage and roots. Peaceful Warrior: Annish's Journey is one of my favourites and holds a special spot in my heart and my library........ Thank you Jan Porter!" S. Ackerman, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

"Your book is wonderful.  I am not much of a reader and I always only read as much at one sitting as my soul and spirit can absorb and ingest it for awakening my consciousness.  Indeed this book is there."
Dan Davison, Ontario, Canada

Peaceful Warrior,
"the debut novella by Kawartha’s amazing Jan Porter, ordained minister, writer and community catalyst, is a coming-of-age tale for the youthful spirit in all of us. With her quirky prose style, Jan imagines a magical time and place, rich in indigenous knowledge and meaning. The young heroine Annish belongs to a tribal culture that lives in harmony with nature and honours the interconnectivity and sacredness of all life.   She is in the process of discovering herself as an adult, and in recognizing her own unique path and power.  Annish must summon the courage to defy the gender expectations of her community and express her true self as a Warrior-Hunter.  She dreams Warrior dreams, petitions the Creator, communes with the Ancestors, speaks with the animal spirit helpers, creates her own songs, rituals and evocations - all without any teachings or instruction from the Hunter Society.  Through her fiction Jan is reminding us of universal truth and that great gifts come to those who revere the balance of Mother Earth and embody their own authenticity.  Ultimately, Annish receives powerful spiritual teachings linked to her ancestral lineage that honour her unique abilities and contributions, and define her place within the community and Great Wheel of Life. Coming into her power as “Peaceful Warrior Woman” Annish learns, as we all must, that the Way of the Heart is the only true path."   Peggy Eyers artist, writer and Goddess devotee Pegi Eyers enjoys exploring sacred land, which is just about anywhere.  You can view her work at

Angel Guides books by Jan Porter www.jan

~ "A Soul-Soothing Book" By Vania M
"This book is the "medicine" that everyone needs right now-not Tylenol, not Xanax, not Advil. We live in a world full of individuals that have become so disconnected from their souls, higher selves, and angel guides. We live in a world that is completely mind and material identified, full of big egos and small hearts. This book is the remedy to all that. Angel Guides is a beautifully written, soothing book that will have you not really thinking but feeling that this is the necessary answer to any of your problems. I say it will have you feeling and not thinking because your mind will fight and possibly disagree all the way but your heart and soul-your TRUE, DEEPER self-will know without a shadow of a doubt that this is what you need. We need to stop all our negativity in its tracks and recognize that if we are even willing to connect to our angel guides who so badly want to help us and can do so our lives will unfold beautifully and all our man-made problems will simply go away-I know because I consistently rely on my angel guides and they NEVER let me down. This book is a must-read for all."

Troy Stewart's 5 star review: "Angel Guides, love communication"
   "Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains and shortcuts and even what appears on the surface to be failure. On deeper reflection, we understand them as catalysts that shift us toward authentic self identity, greater exposure and bold life adventures. Whether you are just starting out, starting over or wondering if there is greater success. Terrific Book That Helped Me Through Family Challenges such as death, marriages, loss of jobs, prison,depression, and past drug addiction !!! A VERY SPECIAL BOOK for those who believe in spiritual recovery !!!"

~ "Incredibly jaws-dropping, Jan Porter’s book, ‘Angel Guides’ is many things for the modern reader, but foremost of them is one simple fact: reading this will deeply calm you and make you happy."

~ "Uplifting and Comforting", By Curepe137(New York, NY) - "This review is from: Angel Guides: love communication (Kindle Edition) Very uplifting and inspiring. Jan Porter’s ‘Angels Guides’ is a warm and intimate book that will help you get in touch angel guides. Your angel guides can help you find your way in life, align your thoughts to your best interests, and find comfort in the fact that we are always being looked after. This book will make you feel better about your life, and help you with discovering self-awareness, introspection, and that you are not alone."

~ New York Book Pundit (Meaghan): "I haven’t encountered a book that discusses everything about our angel guides as comprehensively as this one. The book not only fleshes out the nature of angel guides (what they are, what they do, and how their mission affects your life and disposition), but also provides a refreshingly detailed information on how to usher them into your life—and therefore effect radically positive changes. What’s more, author Porter writes in that intimately friendly way that you will deeply move you."

~ “If this book has made its way to you…” I took that as a sign." By C&S 
" And it was right on the mark. Another reviewer (Vania M.) said it really well, that we live a disconnected world, that we use more Tylenol (red wine, tv, internet) than is healthy. Everyone is “plugged in”, “online”, “dialed in”, and Over-Scheduled! It’s exhausting. Even if it’s not you.
I used to meditate more, pray more (pray/meditate). #1: set aside quiet time, like the book recommends. It never occurred to me to simply ASK for guidance when I prayed. So simple and obvious and healthy. There are phrases she repeats that I like, the concept of “highest good”, whether you call it praying or asking or that’s your intention (and she allows for whatever word YOU need, not everyone talks to God, and she recognizes that.)
I love that she says, “…let go of frantic activity & meaningless obligations & shift focus to activities you sincerely enjoy & want to spend time doing.” We’re all So Busy being busy, it’s hard to remember if you even like it or not. And many times she tells you how much you are loved and loveable, and you must learn self-love, self-acceptance and forgiveness. “Be good to yourself and grow at your own pace.” > It’s all really beautiful, if not the easiest homework for some of us.
On Angels: okay, believing in angels/ guides/ ancestors, that is with you all of your life can be a LOT for some people. Maybe don’t run to the office and start convincing everyone. But if you’re open to the idea (and you ARE looking at the book, aren’t you? me too, the topic & the cover got me) this is a lovely start. It’s information and inspiration but my favorite thing(s) is the chapter with Prayer Invocation (which is nice if you’re a beginner and don’t want to free-style it) and the guided meditations, one in the back + there’s one on YouTube that’s long & relaxing. You can do this, you can be more connected and calm and loved, it’s not “too much” to believe. It’s lovely."

~ "Overall, this book is inspiring and deeply comfortingit shows us that someone out there has our best interest at heart, and we only need to respond in the right way. Needless to say, realigning your thoughts according to this book’s teachings will change your life for the better. Get this book a shot—a copy sent as a gift will also delight friends. I highly recommend."

~Angels and Love Communication for Self and Others Byctr girl "Jan Porter's inspired spiritual ideas and counseling experiences shine in this book as she teaches her readers how to access and commune with the Angels and operating in the Divine Flow. No matter what you want to call it, people searching for healing, healthy relationships and feelings, happiness, and survival through traumatic and challenging experiences and addictions will find treasures of advice here."

~ What I most was impressed by were the strategies, activities, and self-reflection she presents to overcome difficult situations and advice to surround ourselves with positivity and love. I would like to try her suggestion of writing one of my painful experiences in third person, meditate, and then write a happy ending. I think this would really help me look at new opportunities and directions I could head in life."

~ I enjoyed numerous ideas from this book which included love is the way, aim for your highest good, and "sometimes the most beautiful things grow in the most inhospitable of environments."

~ I recommend this book to those searching for self-discovery and peace, especially those who may have gone through something traumatic or feel anger and want to change that. I'd also recommend this to those interested in yoga, deep breathing, meditation, spiritual healing, alternative healing and bodywork, spiritualist healing, mood and soul boosters, and powerful mind activities of affirmation."

"Really, really useful stuff", By Meena "You know that you truly love a book when you start asking yourself, "Why didn't I find it sooner?" It is now in its rightful place of my most treasured collection. The book teaches you how to get inspired by your own "angel guide". I learned how to communicate with my angel guide, develop a positive relationship and get support whenever I need it. It is meaningful and really, really helpful. I particularly enjoyed the meditation journey. Highly recommended."

~"refreshing and uplifting", By Tiffany Prock  "This book was given to me after I lost someone very dear to my heart. Before the loss of my best friend I believed in a higher power, guardian angels and so forth. My best friend always believed in spirit guides and others that help us along the way. After she passed on I rejected everything that had to do with an after life. So you can imagine how unsure I was when it came to this book. I started it rejecting what it said, that it was all about love, love for yourself, love from those who we can't see be they guardian angels, people we care about that passed on and so forth. As i read though It was almost like I could hear this voice saying that my friend wouldn't have wanted me to reject everything we believed in. The pain is strong but if I accept the fact that nothing would have saved her and know that I am loved by more then the physical world then everything will be all right in the end. I learned that it was ok to feel guilty but that the pain and sorrow I was feeling was the one thing that was keeping me from feeling the love that the spirits had for me. By time I finished the book I understood that even though my best friend was gone in a physical sense she isn't really gone. She is still with me, guiding me, protecting and loving me. By time I finished the book I could almost see her smiling at me and as corny as it sounds it was like I could feel an angel wrapping their wings around me. I'm really glad I got a chance to read this book. I would say if you know anyone who is lost and searching for answers, who maybe struggling with grief then this is the book for them to read. It reminds us that we aren't alone, that we are loved even if we can't see the person in physical sense we can still feel them. This book is also great for people who just want to know more about angels and spirit guides."

~ "I felt Physically better after reading!" By; Jenice Alexander "I read this book with excitement to learn about angel guides. I had heard the term but never had an adequate explanation. Angel Guides are explained and a whole lot more! Your angel guides can and want to assist you with all aspects of your life if you are only willing to step out of some of your old ways of thinking. I honestly felt better after reading Angel Guides than I have in years!!"

~ "Have you ever wondered about Angel Guides?  By Johanna.  A friend told me about this book, and I'm so glad they did. I've always wondered about Angel Guides, now I have the understanding that I yearned for."

~"Angels among us!" By Naghie "This book opened my eyes to many magical people who are around me.If you being hurt and doesn’t know how to connect again, well this book is your way out. I have read, enjoyed and practiced the way in all of the books by jan Porter. They all are wonderful. But this book--hard as it may be--a step above the rest. The loving and enlightening energy of the words, and detailed insights seems to raise off the pages; this energy just engulfed me as I read this book!! If you feel drawn to this book, you will most likely learn something new about yourself in the course of reading it."

~ "Amazing!" By; Victoria Lucas "Angel Guides by Jan Porter is a treasure to have that I recommend as a gift to your loved ones. It’s a spiritual journey to knowing yourself, following your heart, and recognizing that you are never alone in anything that you do—that you always have a higher power guiding you. Some may be reluctant to consider getting the book because it might be too religious or preachy for them, but it’s actually not. It’s spiritual more than anything.
Very early on in the guide, Porter immediately tells the readers that if they are not comfortable in the idea of a God, they are more than welcome to substitute the word with whatever term they are comfortable with. With that, the guide instantly becomes more universal in nature, but inclusive at the same time. It doesn’t limit its audience, which makes this an even better gift suggestion.
I also love the integrated quotes by some writers I look up to as well. It establishes a more personal touch to an already friendly approach to Porter’s book. My personal favorites are quotes from Ernest Hemingway, Washington Irving, Marcus Aurelius, and Nelson Mandela. Quoting from a diverse group of influential people allows readers to learn something not only from Porter, but from people they might not have even considered having relevance in their lives.
But the real treat of Angel Guides is the way that Porter writes, as if she is directly talking to you and communicating to you alone. The book becomes deeply personal very quickly, and it’s one of those experiences when you feel like you know the author personally and want to give her a hug or something.
I enjoyed reading and learning from Angel Guides, and I give it five stars because it is a sincere attempt of the author to share her experiences and knowledge to anyone who is gracious enough to open their minds and their hearts for something as precious as this book."

~ "I have had the honour and privilege of reading and editing your latest piece of artwork.....  To say I'm impressed is a gross understatement.  I'm very proud of you and in awe of your profound insight, talent and intelligence..... YOUR MANUSCRIPT IS AWESOME!!!!!!! ... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You deserve all of life's happiness......"
Sandra A. Ontario

~  ... Anonymous 
"People think they can escape adversity. But no where in the Bible does it say that life will be all sunshine. There will surely be rainy days. It reinforced my own belief system and I highly recommend this book just to wake people up to let them know that life has meaning. We are here for a purpose. Let us not forget what our purpose is in this life.If we all acted with more compassion and acceptance, our world would be a much better place to live in. Overall, I felt it was an essential book to find that special purpose for my life. Great Author !!! This book is a true : "Must Read !"

~ Shelfari ~ Bookshelf“I understand what she is trying to convey to the reader. When bad things happen to people they ask the question, 'WHY ME, WHY NOW? However, WHY NOT ME? My belief system is that God does have a master plan that we will never understand. Many people do believe that we are here for a purpose and everything happens for a reason. We all need a guide to take us from a dysfunctional, mental state of failure to a healthy state of success !!! Superb Author !!! She Created My Favorite Book !!!”

~ GoodReads ~ Troy Stewart: "It was amazing. Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains and shortcuts and even what appears on the surface to be failure. On deeper reflection, we understand them as catalysts that shift us toward authentic self identity, greater exposure and bold life adventures. Whether you are just starting out, starting over or wondering if there is greater success. Terrific Book That Helped Me Through Family Challenges such as death, marriages, loss of jobs, prison,depression, and past drug addiction !!! A VERY SPECIAL BOOK for those who believe in spiritual recovery !!! 

​~ Bookbanter ~ "I  bought this for my 75-yr-old Christian mom. She loved it. She devoured it in a week (even though it's not intended to be read that fast) and wanted to pass it on to half a dozen of her friends. Extraordinary was definitely heaven sent !!! Fantastic Author and Book"!!!

~ "Hi My Earth Angel; I have absolutely no words to describe or explain how wonderful this is!!! OH, Jan.. what a wonderful time for you to send me this gift!!! It brought love, peace, comfort and everything divine, back into my life while I was listening to it.THIS!!! brought it all back. .. THIS!! made me feel wonderful and... " YOU" have helped me and you will never know how much! Thank you my dearest friend! All my love and much LIGHT!" T. Lang xox

~ "Your loving, lovely words and meditation was just what I was looking for as I transition from the busy day into a hopefully productive evening session at my beading table.  Imagine my delight when I recognized a Canadian accent...I was cast northwards to Cranberry, B.C. where my angel meditation unfolded & my angel-friend was a tall, blonde older man in a suit with an angular face and such a kindness & calm.   You provided the perfect gateway to a loving, healing place where I felt surrounded by angels of past family I was never fortunate enough to know - all the best of our family were gathered around me and my tall, blonde male angel-guide & comfort.  It was powerful & just what I needed.  Thank you so much for sharing your gift, Jan." J.A. Wilson

Life After Abuse & Sacred Space by Jan P

~ 5 stars: "OMG!!! Sweet Jan.. What do I think of this???... WOWWW! POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. I don't know what else to say. I'm speechless. There is information for everyone. It is so great and just thinking you did this video and wrote this book is mind blowing. It is just profound to me. I love it and the people this is going to help will be phenomenal." - Tonie L., Ontario xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

~ 5 stars ~ 
"Sexual abuse or any type of abuse is a difficult subject. Most people don’t want to talk about it because it makes them uncomfortable and those who have been victims of abuse will shy away from the subject as well because of shame or belief that it was their fault. However, it’s a subject that needs a voice and needs to be addressed. Author Jan Porter lends her voice in her book."


5 stars ~ By; BarbBookWorm   "I have never been the victim of sexual abuse. In fact, the only person I have ever been intimate with is my loving husband of 10 years. So you can understand how and why I don't understand, at all, how it feels to be a victim of abuse. Unfortunately, my two very good friends have both been victims, and recently I have really been wanting to know exactly how they feel and what happened to them so I can relate to them better and help them get some closure. What I wasn't expecting was how awesome this book was going to be and how helpful it truly was. The message it contains is life-changing and I can't imagine anyone reading this book and not taking something away from it that they will treasure forever. Highly recommend."

~ 5 stars ~      "A victim of childhood sexual abuse herself, Jan creates a dialog within the book to help a person find comfort in knowing they are not alone and that they deserve to be heard.      This book is not just for victims of abuse it’s for loved ones to also gain a better understanding and find at least some level of comfort in dealing with the feelings of the victims and help towards the healing process.      I read another one of Jan’s books and I love her spiritual approach in her writing. As I said in my review of her other book Angel Guides: Love Communication she has a lived life to the fullest but, not going to tell you how to live your type of vibe to her writing style that draws you in and puts you at ease.      Sacred Space is no different. Each chapter takes you down the road of understanding and going within yourself as you make that journey ultimately to your Sacred Space. I was drawn to Chapter 3 – The Healing Process. This chapter alone makes it a worthy book to own and is beneficial to anyone and everyone who has something in their life that they need to heal and move on from. It talks about sharing with others and the release and relief that you feel one you do. The chapter also goes through the process of stress management which is also something that most people deal with on a daily basis. Porter’s words are always uplifting and inspiring. As someone who has been through abuse and has managed to find a spiritual center she’s a great voice to help you find yours and Sacred Sacred Space, mind body soul after Sexual Abuse is a safe and nurturing channel to make that connection."

~ 5 stars ~ "A Beautiful Book!" By; Vania M.      "Although I myself have never experienced sexual abuse as a life coach I always like to have an understanding of the different, and sometimes horrific, experiences clients might have gone through. This book is wonderful read on how to overcome sexual abuse or understand it better and help others on their journey to recovery. Full of great tools one can use to help face their fears head-on, it gently guides you to a stronger, healthier place within that has been there all along. As horrible an experience as sexual abuse is this book clearly and lovingly shows you that you can overcome it and be more mentally, physically, and spiritually stable. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has experienced sexual abuse or to anyone who knows someone who has and wants to help them."

~ 5 stars ~ "Must-have!" By; Victoria Lucas:      "There is so much hurt in this world, and even if you haven’t personally experienced sexual abuse yourself, chances are you know someone who has been a victim. Sadly, many of those victims may not even realize that they have been abused, as are the cases of numerous people who have never told anyone about what happened to them. This is what makes Sacred Space by Jan Porter extremely helpful.      Written as a means to aid one’s healing process, Sacred Space is created with care and love. It even has an entire chapter on how to recognize what counts as sexual abuse, which I think is very important information regardless whether you’ve been through it already or not. Information empowers people, and this book has tons of valuable information, from self-awareness exercise to options on how to confront the abuser, to, ultimately, spiritual growth.      But for me, I think some of the best parts in the book are the poems that are included in some of the chapters. While the informative aspect of the book cannot be denied, I believe that the poetry lets readers take a glimpse of the issue through a different perspective, and sometimes that’s what other people need to consider. For instance, the poem Rape by Johanna Ryan Guy that is featured in chapter three is deeply personal, gut-wrenching, and revealing all at the same time. And sometimes, when you can’t let people understand what you’ve been through by typical means of communication, art does it for you—which in this case is in the form of poetry.      There are many people, both men and women, who have been through dark times and experienced something they shouldn’t have had to endure in the first place. But there is nothing to be done with what happened in the past. Instead, we could help through their healing process afterwards. And Jan Porter’s Sacred Space aims to do exactly that."

~ 5 stars ~ "Inspiring" By Tiffany Prock   
   "I know this book deals with sexual abuse but I think it can help so many more people than that. This is a book about feeling empowered and taking your life back. There are many of us that feel out of control either though sexual abuse, assault, being in an abusive relationship in general or just having things happen in our life we have no control over. So many things can happen to a person that makes them feel a victim, like they have no control and because of that they suffer from depression, anger, grief, guilt just to name a few. This book takes you step by step through a journey that lets you know it’s ok to have that feeling of loss, to know it’s ok to feel overwhelmed and helpless to change things. It then shows you in each chapter how to take your life back. How to slowly gain control of those overwhelming feelings and finally in your own sense how to roar."

~ 5 stars ~ "Highly recommended...."  By; Stephanie
     "This is such an amazing book to share with those who have encountered sexual abuse. I have purchased the hard copy of this book for clients and will continue to do so as I believe it is a manual that will help victims of such a horrible experience get back on their path."

~ 5 stars ~ "Thank you for such a wonderful gift.
     "Sacred Space is a masterpiece that can help people to learn and grow whether a victim or needing/wanting to understand those who have been affected."

~ 5 stars ~ "Thank you! So much peace and understanding"  By; Khaleda:       "This book is so wonderful! I read this book simply because I wanted to understand the mindset of those who have gone through the unimaginable. I have a very dear friend who had gone through something very traumatic involving sexual abuse and she was not open to every talking about it, but I knew it still deeply affected her day to day life. She wouldn't even agree to read anything on the topic as it would bring back horrible memories. This book has been an incredible eye-opener. Jan is so talented in the way that she helps us understand the pain and the trauma for the victim. What I love about this book so much and can't wait to share with my dear friend, is the road to recovery. I truly believe that we can't always control, or ever control what others do and say to us, but we can shape the way we react to the events of our lives. My friend is still deeply suffering even though we don't talk about it. Now I know how to help her heal. This, of course, is essential and I love all of Jan's teachings on the road to recovery, healing and wholeness. These are things that even I can implement in my own life for my own personal healing. I am so appreciative of this book and am so excited to help my friend. I know that she will benefit tremendously.      Thank you, Jan for your efforts and this beautiful book. All the best, Khaleda"

~ 5 stars ~ "Jan Porter’s ‘Sacred Space’ is set to change the lives of countless people who have suffered from sexual abuse—people who otherwise would be left misunderstood and the object of prejudice—as well as enlighten the rest of us enough to embrace acceptance and proactive healing. The reason is simple: victims of sexual abuse need help in order to move forward— they may not always be willing to talk about it, but they nevertheless need a helping hand. And this book is that powerful helping hand."

~ 5 stars ~ Deeply uplifting!  By; Meghan New York Book Pundit      "From empowering words of wisdom, to how author Jan Porter helps the reader see, in rare clarity, what everyone can do to not only escape their past but to meet it head-on, so that personal and interpersonal healing can begin, ‘Sacred Space’ is that rare book that shows its worth by the willingness of the author to go as deep as possible as far as the subject is concerned. What’ more, this book also comes chockfull of helpful information on what to do to avoid becoming victims of abuse—how to improve or refine our personalities and what kind of positive and proactive mindset we must adopt to deflect would-be abusers. In essence, ‘Sacred Space’ is not only about healing our painful past, but also about filling our future with hope."

~ 5 stars ~ "Sacred Space’ is definitely a must-read 
     —everyone who has undergone abuse or those who know a friend or a loved one who has suffered from it should read this book. This can change their lives, and yours, too. Get a copy today—this also makes the best gift you can give to the people you care about. A solid five-star rating for this one."

~ 5 stars ~ "Very Informative" By Curepe137 
     "The book is very informative. If you, or someone you know, has suffered from the trauma of sexual abuse, and are looking for a way to move on, I would recommend this book for you.      This book is about moving forward, and tries to introduce the reality that victims are suffering through, and outlines and encourages different healing techniques that focus on love of thyself and accepting love of others. Victims of sexual abuse will find comfort, empowerment and inspiration. If you find yourself in a position where you are trying to help someone who was a victim of sexual abuse, this book will enlighten you."

~ 5 stars ~ "If u need help this is the book", By Naghie 
     "Excellent. It is so difficult to move beyond years of abuse. It is so difficult to find forgiveness for the person who was the abuser and for yourself. This book is helpful. This book is well written, easy to understand, and I found it very helpful. it can help people understand their reactions, retrain their automatic thoughts and enjoy intimacy again. Out of all of the books I read about healing, this was one of the best. Jan Porter shows each survivor of abuse how to turn the traumatic and the shocking into the simple and the ordinary."

~ 5 stars ~ By; Necinov:      "An easy to understand guide to follow that is helpful to get recovery from a great curse. Sexual abuse is such a painful situation which is commonly happening nowadays. The way this book is written, I really appreciate that. To set our mind and lead life happily, this guide is truly a tonic. Anyone can get recovery by following the tips enlisted here."

~ 5 stars ~ "Much Needed" By author; Johanna Ryan Guy     "Anyone who has been or who deals with sexual abuse, I would highly recommend you not only read this book, but that you live by the book. Her messages definitely speak to you."

~ 5 stars ~ "A Shining Light on a Hidden Epidemic!"  By; Jenice Alexander     "Most of us know a friend or family member who has suffered from the hands of an abuser. We don't know what to say much less what to do! A great start would be to read this book and pass along to others. It contains genuine help to begin the love of self and in finding inner happiness. The book also contains some very practical tips for all of us to stay safe. A ray of sunshine in a dangerous world!!

 ~ "OMG!!!!  Jan,  that is so wonderful, Inspiring and so comforting and you sound so loving on the recording! That will help many people! Thanks for sharing it with me!" Toni  xox     


~ "Life After Abuse" is an extremely insightful, hard hitting, honourable read for anyone. You don't need to be a "survivor" to enjoy this book. You need to be a parent, daughter, son, friend or a human being with compassion to enjoy this book. This page-turner is for everyone and I feel honoured to have read it and the lessons I've learned will undoubtedly last a life-time. Thank you" Jan!!!!!!"




The Way Out, healing survivors JanPorter

     ~ Marcia H., Cheressa P., Wendy M.; Grey County, Ontario     "Dear Jan; We wanted to write and let you know how much we appreciate your donation of your books to the Sexual Assault & Partner Abuse Care Centre. We’ve given them out to many of our patients and they have expressed appreciation for your book. Thank you from our patients and all of us at S.A. & P.A.C.C.”.

     ~ Amy W.; Stratford, Ontario“Dear Ms. Porter; I have recently read your book called “The Way Out”. I found it extremely interesting and informative. I graduated from the Child and Youth Counselor program in the summer and am currently working in a group home with sexually abused girls. Thank you for taking the time to share all your strategies, advice and steps towards success. Good Luck to you. Thanks Again.”

     ~ Mike R.; Toronto, Ontario“Dear Jan; This is a letter of gratitude. A thank You. I have just finished reading your book ‘The Way Out’ and it’s hard for me to express the many ways that it reached me. I feel what really worked for me, was your honesty. To be forthright and yet so positive has shown me a way to gather my own strength, so that down the road I may be in a position to help others as effectively. Heart felt thanks I lavish on you.”

     ~ Diane M.; Ontario “Dear Jan; Thank you very much for sending me your book “The Way Out”. I appreciated it very much. My sponsee is still struggling with her abuse issues and will, her self be publishing a book of poetry soon. Happy New Year.”

     ~ B.; Kincardine, Ontario  “Dear Jan; Having just read a review of your work entitled “The Way Out” I was moved to contact you and congratulate you on your courage. My daughter, is trying to pick up the pieces of her life. Both of us benefit from your insight…..Good Luck in your future endeavours.” Sincerely,

     ~ Anon “Dear Jan; Thank you for personalizing my copy of your book. My daughter and I both read it and were amazed by the similarities of your mutual experiences. We have had frequent opportunities in the recent months to discuss this topic. At long last we have a firmer understanding of her behavior and the underlying causes. Of course it is still a long road ahead of her, with many issues still unexplored. I hope that she can find the strength, as you did, to face the truths and be free.”

     ~ Cec S. “Dear Jan; How thrilled you must be to see your book going to print. I believe that a large number of us have stories locked inside, but only a precious few find the courage and determination to see that story come to life in the form of a book. I spoke to the E.A.P. group at work….please accept our contribution….I sincerely hope that your book becomes a best-seller Jan, not for fame and fortune, (although a good measure of that would definitely be warranted), but be cause from meeting you, I sensed that you are the kind of person who would enjoy sharing her success with the world. And people like that are becoming increasingly harder to find these days. Looking forward to meeting you again. Once again, congratulations, and the best of luck in the future. And thanks for giving us the opportunity to be involved.” Sincerely,

     ~ Martin A.; Grey County, Ontario “Dear Jan; Thanks for the opportunity to lend a hand to your publishing project. The issue of sexual abuse is close to my heart – It’s an issue in my family and many of my writing students have tackled it. Also, as I mentioned, many high school kids have made disclosures to me about sexual abuse. I know there is a real need for your book. All the best.”

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